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1. Delivered as the Aubrey Gwynn Lecture at University College Dublin.

2. W. L. Warren, `The interpretation of twelfth-century Irish history', J. C. Beckett (ed), Historical studies 7 (London 1969) 1-19; `The historian as "private eye"', J. G. Barry (ed), Historical studies 9 (Belfast 1974) 1-18, `John in Ireland in 1185', John Bossy & Peter Jupp (ed), Essays presented to Michael Roberts (Belfast 1976) 11-23, `King John and Ireland', J. F. Lydon (ed), England and Ireland in the later middle ages (Dublin 1981) 26-42.

3. A. Gwynn, `Henry of London, archbishop of Dublin: a study in Anglo-Norman statecraft', Studies [Dublin] 38 (1949) 297-306, 389- 402.

4. Cal pat rolls, 1216-1225, 22, 23.

5. P. J. Dunning, `Irish representatives and Irish ecclesiastical affairs at the Fourth Lateran Council', J. A. Watt, J. B. Morrall, F. X. Martin (ed) Medieval studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn (Dublin 1961) 108.

6. M. P. Sheehy, Pontificia hibernica (2 vols, Dublin 1962-65), i no 40.

7. Cal pat rolls, 1225-32, 125.

8. Gwynn, `Henry of London', 302ff.

9. Warren, `Historian as "private eye"', 13-18, `John and Ireland', 35ff.

10. G. H. Orpen, Ireland under the Normans (4 vols, Oxford 1911-20), iii 29-31, Dunning, `Irish representatives * at the Fourth Lateran Council', 106-07, Sheehy, Pontificia, no 114, 115.

11. For marks of favour to bishop Henry of Emly see Rot litt claus 1204-24, 214a, 279a; Rot litt pat 1201-1206, 144b, 148a, 148b; Cal doc Ire. 1171-1251, no 555, 558, 587, 610, 715.

12. Warren, `John in Ireland, 1185', 16.

13. Rot litt pat 1201-16, 61a; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 291.

14. Rot litt pat 1201-1216, 84b; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 385.

15. Rot litt pat 1201-1216, 196b; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 720.

16. Sheehy, Pontificia, no 127; Gwynn, `Henry of London', 305.

17. W. Stubbs (ed) Gesta regis Henrici Secundi RS 49 (2 vols, London 1867), i 314-16; W. L. Warren, Henry II (London 1973) 554- 55.

18. J. S. Brewer, J. F. Dimock and G. F. Warner, Giraldi Cambrensis opera RS 21 (8 vols, London 1861-91), i 65ff.

19. Warren, `John and Ireland', 38-39. For the disputed election to Armagh see J. A. Watt, The church and the two nations in medieval Ireland (Cambridge 1970) 227-30.

20. Rot litt pat 1201-16, 28a; Rot litt claus 1204-24, 88a; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 178, 331.

21. Sheehy, Pontificia, i no 64; H. G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles, The governance of medieval England (Edinburgh 1963) 340- 41, and 341n.

22. It may be observed that in his appeal to the papal legate John spoke of the election of Eugenius as `contrary to our right and dignity', Rot litt pat 1201-16, 16b.

23. A. Gwynn, `Armagh and Louth in the twelfth century',Seanchas Ardmhacha 1 (1954-55) 1-11: 10.

24. Sheehy, Pontificia, i no 53.

25. Rot litt claus. 1204-24, 148b; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 481.

26. W. Stubbs (ed), Chronica Rogeri de Houedone RS 51 (4 vols, London 1868-71), ii 85; Watt, The church and the two nations, 43-44.

27. Giraldus Cambrensis, De invectionibus, ed. W. S. Davies (London 1920) 87.

28. Warren, `John in Ireland, 1185', 20.

29. ibid. 20-21.

30. Watt, The church and the two nations, 31 n 2.

31. Rot litt pat 1201-16, 16b; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 168.

32. Rot lit claus 1204-24, 273a; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 694.

33. Rot litt pat 1201-16, 29a.

34. ibid. 61a.

35. Rot litt claus 1204-24, 97b; J. MacCaffrey (ed), The black book of Limerick (Dublin 1907) p cii; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 364.

36. Rot litt claus 1204-24, 172a; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 512.

37. Sheehy, Pontificia, i no 168.

38. E. Curtis, A history of medieval Ireland (2nd ed. London 1938) 107-08.

39. Watt, The church and the two nations, 68; Dunning, `Irish represenatatives * at the Fourth Lateran Council', 108-09.

40. Warren, Henry II, 424-25; F. Barlow, The English church 1066-1154 (London 1979) 96, 98-99.

41. Sheehy, Pontificia, i no 93 and p 172 n 3; Dunning, `Irish representatives * at the Fourth Lateran Council', 101-02.

42. Dunning, art. cit. 103-05.

43. Giraldus Cambrensis, Expugnatio hibernica; ed. A. B. Scott and F. X. Martin (Dublin 1978) 233-34, 237.

44. Rot chart, 113b; Rot litt claus 1204-24, 66; Cal doc Ire 1171-1251, no 190, 223.

45. P. J. Dunning, `Pope Innocent III and the Waterford- Lismore controversy, 1198-1216', Ir Theol Q 28 (1961) 215-32.

46. Warren, Henry II, 423; R. Foreville, L'église et la royauté en Angleterre sous Henri II plantagenet (Paris 1943) 87-88.

47. Watt, The church and the two nations, 61-62, Dunning, `Irish representatives * at the fourth Lateran Council' 101-02; A. Gwynn and R. N. Hadcock, Medieval religious houses: Ireland (London 1970) 81.

48. Sheehy, Pontificia, i no 93.

49. Rot chart, 78b, 194b; Cal doc Ire 1171- 1251, no 132, 475.

50. Black Book of Limerick, no xxiii, xxiv, xxxix.

51. D. Whitelock (ed), English historical documents i, c.500-1042 (2nd ed. London 1979) 431. For the history of tithe in England see C. Godfrey, The church in Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge 1962) 326-28.

52. A. A. M. Duncan, Scotland: the making of the kingdom (Edinburgh 1975) 298, G. W. S. Barrow, Kingship and unity: Scotland, 1000-1306 (London 1981) 73.

53. op.cit. 61.

54. See the documents in A. J. Otway-Ruthven, `The request of the Irish for English law, 1277-80', Ir Hist Stud 6 (1949) 261- 70.

55. For what follows see G. J. Hand, `The rivalry of the cathedral chapters in medieval Dublin', J Roy Soc Antiq Ire 92 (1962) 194-97.

56. G. J. Hand, `The medieval chapter of St Mary's Cathedral, Limerick', Medieval studies presented to A. Gwynn, 75.

57. Hand, `The rivalry of the cathedral chapters', 195.

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